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We all experience anger. It’s a natural human emotion that can arise from various triggers, whether it’s a frustrating work situation, a personal disagreement, or…

Riding the Wave: A Guide to Safely Release Anger

We all experience anger. It’s a natural human emotion that can arise from various triggers, whether it’s a frustrating work situation, a personal disagreement, or a deep-seated, unresolved issue. However, how we manage this emotion can make a significant difference in our overall well-being. One way of dealing with anger is through a process I like to call “Temper Tantrum Release.”

Preparing for the Release
Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted. It’s crucial to ensure you have privacy for this process. As you settle into your space, light a candle and set an intention: “May only that which is for my highest good come forward.”
Connect with your Higher Self by placing your hand over your heart. Feel this unconditionally loving and compassionate part of you. Picture it as your “surfboard,” a tool that will keep you safe as you ride the waves of your emotions.

Identifying the Root
To start the release, think about what’s truly upsetting you. This could be a situation, a person, or a lingering thought. Saying it out loud is a great way to start bringing your feelings to the surface. Use sentence starters like “I’m mad because…” or “I’m hurt because…”.

Riding the Wave
As the emotions rise, allow yourself to fully experience the feeling. If anger comes up, let it out. You might want to hit a pillow or scream into it. If tears start to flow, let yourself cry. Keep your body open and receptive, your head up, and your chest open.
During the release, continue tuning in to your Higher Self and envelop yourself with words of encouragement. Remember to show compassion for yourself throughout this process. Gently reassure yourself, “It’s okay. Let that out. You are doing great. Keep going.”

Landing Safely
As the intensity of your emotions starts to decrease, it’s time to engage in self-soothing activities. You might want to rock a bit, put your arms around yourself, or curl up with a pillow. Spend some time nurturing yourself and just being with yourself.
Visualise yourself as a surfer, safely and gently arriving on a beautiful beach after riding the waves. Take three deep, slow breaths. Put your hand back on your heart and fill yourself with love. Acknowledge yourself for your courage and willingness to work through this exercise.
After the release, take some time to reflect on this process in your journal. Write down any insights or realisations that arose.

Remember, releasing anger is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself as you navigate through your emotions. The key is to allow yourself to feel without judgment and to remember that it’s okay to seek help if you need it.

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