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I don’t care how big your house is or what car you drive, what you do for a living or if you are well known.…

What Does True Happiness Really Mean?

I don’t care how big your house is or what car you drive, what you do for a living or if you are well known. In Western culture, we are chasing an imaginary finish line in order to become “somebody important” or wanting to stay relevant 24/7.

I feel like most of us, including myself, are guilty for falling into the trap of believing that more money, status and power equals true happiness and fulfilment.

I’ve found that it becomes easy to start believing that our own lives are not as meaningful or fun, when we start comparing ourselves to strangers on the internet. We start believing that in order to be happy, we need to have what others are achieving or going after.

Ultimately, the non-stop chasing for something outside of ourselves creates our own depth of suffering. Which has led me to the realisation that we’ll never be happy.

Therefore, discovering what makes you intrinsically happy will help you detach from the idea of trying to be “somebody important”. The focus moves from outside of us towards achieving where real happiness can be found… From within.

This is what true happiness means to me…

  • It comes from deep connections with others.
  • It’s also found in acts of service, asking yourself every day “how can I serve you?”
  • Finding appreciation for the blessings already present in your life – be it shelter, nourishment, or a job that brings true meaning.
  • Nurturing your well-being by engaging in daily movement, whether through walking, yoga, or any form of exercise that resonates with you.
  • And lastly, to complete the circle of holistic happiness, it’s about cultivating a growth mindset, where you reframe challenges as opportunities for personal growth.

You truly are the master of your own happiness… You were in the driver’s seat all along. Change your perception, be clear on what truly matters to you, scroll a little less & find the happiness within

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