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Empowered Living

Discover a New You

12 Week intensive 1:1 Coaching Program with ex-pro athlete, certified life coach & holistic health guide.


Signature offering by Joe van Niekerk

This 1:1 intensive program is for you if…

You feel disconnected from yourself and struggle to truly feel your emotions.

You are done with feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious and stressed in your life. You are ready to call in true fulfilment, happiness and joy again.

You know it’s time to take ownership over your life and get back in the driver’s seat, ready to empower yourself!

You want to reveal where you’re holding yourself small, you self-sabotage your way to success or how to take charge of your strong inner critic.

Your patterns of behaviour are controlling your whole life, which are influenced by you inner child. You can see your unhealthy patterns, but don’t know how to change it.

You are continuously operating from your stress response (fight/flight/freeze/fawn) and are using unhealthy strategies or coping mechanisms to self-soothe.

If you see yourself in these words, this comprehensive 1:1 coaching program might be the life-altering experience you’ve been searching for.

This program has been meticulously designed to help you better understand and regulate your nervous system, bringing an end to the exhausting cycle of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses that have been your go-to coping mechanisms. By guiding you through the process of recognising and addressing your unhealed childhood wounds, we aim to break the chains of the past that are holding you captive. But we don’t stop there.


This in-depth coaching trajectory also involves deep shadow work, a profound journey into the hidden corners of your psyche. This exploratory process aids in illuminating the blind spots in your life, allowing for the emergence and understanding of unhealthy patterns that keep surfacing.


The Empowered Living program is not just about identifying these patterns, but also about equipping you with the tools and techniques to break free from them. You’ll receive practical tools that support you in self-regulation, helping you feel more present and safe in your own body.

By the end of our journey together, you’ll find yourself enveloped in a newfound sense of awareness, clarity, and peace of mind. You’ll feel more grounded than ever before, with a heightened connection to yourself. You’ll not only recognise signs of stress and dysregulation in your body, but you’ll also know how to return to a more regulated and peaceful state of being.

This program is about empowering YOU. It’s about helping you understand and connect with your inner self. It’s about giving you the tools to not just survive, but to THRIVE.

Ready to… Heal old stories, shift paradigms and empower yourself? Apply here.

As a certified coach, I’m trained in various modalities and work holistically with several tools, such as:

  • Inner Child Healing
  • Somatics
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Holistic Health Principles according to the Medical Medium Platform
  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Parts Work
  • Meditation and Breathwork Practices & so much more

    Warren Haviside

    Warren Haviside

    have so much admiration for Joe. The fact that he made such a massive adjustment and change from a professional rugby player to what he does now is testimony to how true to himself he is.

    His honesty and openness towards himself allows him to project that onto other people, giving them the opportunity to explore their own truths and in turn live a better life. The realising and shedding of the ego mind and the reading of my natal chart is something that really helped me have a better understanding of who I am. Joe’s approach to his work and service to others comes with no judgment whatsoever and he creates such a comfortable space that not only do I view him as a teacher but also as a friend. I am extremely grateful for his positive energy, guidance and love.



    I cannot compare a lomi lomi massage with any other massage technique. The movements along the whole body give a special sensation and afterwards a sense of deep rest. Joe is a caring massage therapist … He remains present during the whole treatment, which creates a safe space. A lomi lomi massage is a treat for both body and mind!

    Jade Reinertsen

    Jade Reinertsen

    It’s been a safe, trusted, gentle and professionally held space with Joe. He is kind, non-judgmental and very intuitive at guiding you through what your body, mind and possibly your soul needs.

    I can 100% confirm that I felt the shift during the session as well as after. The most powerful of the shifts is my perspective and my understanding of my own inner strength and knowing what I am able to tap into within myself. I used to be crippled at times by self doubt and this process has transformed that into complete self-compassion and belief. The physical shift of shedding and releasing guilt has also reduced inflammation in my gut. Ultimately the shifts are infusing their positive and healing vibes into my mind, soul, body and family and friendships too. My radiance is evident.

    Joe is someone whom I believe knows how to gently hold you emotionally and guide you slowly at your pace, not his. His curiosity into your deeper potential and healing is where others sometimes fear to tread. He goes there with you, with compassion to guide you through it.

    Aranka Pieters

    Aranka Pieters

    A friend recommended Joe to me she exopressed, I should definitely see him for a lomi lomi healing massage. The day I bumped into her she had just come from Joe she radiated such beautiful energy. I wanted to have this experience. When I left Joe’s practice a few weeks later, I completely understood how she felt. After a warm welcome, Joe took the time to connect with me he asked my intentions for the treatment. He listened respectfully to my story & carefully addressed my needs making me feel safe. The massage was a deep experience. I felt respected, in my body and as a person. I felt safe, he held space for all my emotions. I felt connected, with him, myself and something bigger than us. I felt his presence, he was really there, tuned in with me. I am very grateful for his guidance in this experience and will definitely meet him again soon.



    Thank you Joe for the very special experience. The moment you touched my heart I could feel how much pain there was still stored in my body and for how long I struggled with this deep pain inside.
    Whilst I was lying on your table and receiving your healing, I felt that my heart energy was blocked. But the more you opened it and let it flow, the more I could feel the pain leaving my body and system. You helped me release the suffering that I experienced for so many years… You gave me such a special gift and I feel so blessed and grateful!
    I have no words to express my gratitude and love for the person you are and what you showed me.

    Martyn Edge

    Martyn Edge

    Had my 1:1 today and I can honestly say with my whole heart it was a Very eye-opening experience. Joe helped me look at things in a different light and made me realise that the things I was scared to let go of were the the things that are holding me back from being my true self. He does great work and if you’re willing to be honest and open(with your self mainly) there is a lot he can help you with. Highly recommend.

    I’m looking at things In a different light instead of worrying what will happen if I don’t hold on to things I’m actually excited to let them go and move forward healing and accepting.

    You allow people to be authentically themselves vulnerabilities and all, Without judgment. Which helps them accept themselves more allowing them to be able to heal and move forward happy and free.

    For me personally you did everything I needed and that was without me expecting anything. You allowed me to speak my truth and never told me that I was wrong for how I felt, you encouraged me to look at things from a different angle and it worked so for me, it was brilliant.

    Michael Elliot-Murray

    Michael Elliot-Murray

    Working with Joe exemplifies brotherhood, warmth, respect, love and support. I am so incredibly optimistic about my transformational journey with Joe.

    I understand the lay of the landscape and see the vision, so now I plan leveraging Joe’s guidance and love to take the next steps in my life.

    Life can be so incredibly challenging in it’s unique ways. Joe will be able to help you understand and transverse the various seasons in life to integrate and leverage the lessons from your childhood, teenage and adult trauma’s to help you realise the best version of yourself.

    It’s only the beginning for Joe and I.

    Chris Eggermont

    Chris Eggermont

    Safety is a thing for me and yet I was completely at ease from the first second. After an exploratory talk, I was able to enjoy over 2 hours of a profound massage by Joe’s loving and magical hands and presence. It brought me completely out of my head into my body. I (and those around me) could enjoy the openness it created in my heart for a long time. It brought movement in head, heart and body. During the coaching afterwards it was nice to be able to look back and receive a piece of essential wisdom. I felt more deeply rooted and at the same time delightfully light to tackle things.

    Anita Reynolds

    Anita Reynolds

    Were do I start… First of all Thank you dear Joe. I have had so many sessions, treatments, massages in my life BUT NOTHING LIKE TODAY. Today shifted something inside me FOR ME. Today was not just another session. Joe and I connected and with his soft and safe way of guidance I just let go. I cant remember when last, or if I have ever tapped in so deep to myself, finding my voice, awaking the WOMAN I KNEW that was there all along “but I never had time for her” I was to busy with the world and what was going on around me that I totally “left her in the dark” thank you for awakening “the ballerina” looking forward to our journey with sooo much excitement and joy.

    It like a light went on inside of me, my mind feels lighter, like taking control of my thoughts now feels easier. The light fills my whole body not just some parts. The darkness has “cracked” open and now the light can come in and heal. 

    If you want to grow, heal and find your voice. Taking charge of life FOR YOU, FINDING YOU, that special special you inside yourself and it is just FOR YOU. Loving yourself starts from within, its time…

    Marjan Megan

    Marjan Megan

    Joe is a healer who works with you from a holistic and balanced perspective: spiritual vs. physical, feminine energy vs masculine, deep dive vs. lightness, brother vs. sister…
    He opened his arms and held space for me so beautifully. Having a session with Joe feels like seeing a long lost relative who had been hidden from my life, a brother to share my deepest shadows, my childlike wishes with, and to feel completely safe within bodywork.

    Joe takes you on deep dive, dig up those old wounds and then helps you heal it without getting lost in the stories. He helps you to stay focused and lets you find that gold you’ve been looking for to start healing the wound. The Lomi Lomi massage is truly magical: it is a journey where two spirits can exchange and find a connection that is rare, so rare in this earthly life!

    Haldane Luscombe (Wales)

    Haldane Luscombe (Wales)

    I recently had the privilege of participating in an online session with a remarkable human being whose expertise extends far beyond the field.

    The session was an enlightening journey through diet, mindset, and specialised healing modalities, all tailored to enhance both physical and mental well-being. Joe shared invaluable insights into nutrition that are specifically beneficial for healing alongside strategies to cultivate the right mindset.

    His approach to integrating healing modalities into overall wellness practices was not only unique but also deeply effective, offering immediate benefits and actionable steps I could incorporate into my daily routine. The personalized advice and genuine care and love Joe brought to our session have made a significant impact on my approach to health and healing. I am truly grateful for the guidance and would highly recommend Joe to anyone looking to work with him.

    Els de Wilde

    Els de Wilde

    Strongly grounded and present in the moment, Joe as spiritual guide created a safe haven where I was allowed to explore the deeper layers of my consciousness in full surrender.
    His gentleness, listening ear and unconditional support whilst guiding me in this left a deep impression.
    Infinitely grateful for the energetic way he was able to carry my whole Being and at the same time strengthen my body, mind and spirit with his unique healing touch.
    He is a true Spaceholder supporting humanity to heal… 

    Philip Deceuninck

    Philip Deceuninck

    The short meditation helped me to get more into my body and let go of any stress in my mind. Joe feels the tension in my body and tries to reduce it in a loving way and with a lot of attention and care.
    I noticed myself becoming more open and spacious over time… He worked on the heavy and difficult emotions being stored in my body in a very gentle and loving way. All my hugs to you Joe, I feel so much gratitude for this valuable, intense, spiritual, relaxing journey!



    A healing blend of meditation, shamanism and Lomi Lomi in the presence of the unseen world, this charismatic man manages to integrate in his own unique way. A cocktail that flows into my body like a divine breath and becomes palpable to my deepest fibers as I lie on the massage table. Everything “makes sense” in this ultimate experience passed on with so much love and passion. I can only recommend it very highly…


    Receive a BONUS of a 90min Self-Healing & Holistic Health Consultation where we’ll work together to support your process of healing your health conditions and creating an effective holistic health and healing plan according to your needs and goals.

    Alongside life coaching, I’m specialised in offering practical and holistic support for overall and wholesome wellness for those who struggle with specific physical symptoms or for those who simply desire to optimise their vitality and life force energy.

    It starts with cultivating awareness around your habits and how it is related to your vitality and current energy levels. You’ll be able to take charge of your health to empower yourself on ALL levels. This BONUS session will support you in implementing effective strategies to support your health holistically, whilst also taking steps towards getting answers and results and finding a model of care that is right for YOU. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your personal situation as I’ll educate and empower you to make informed choices and be equipped to take charge of your long-term health & wellbeing…

    What you can expect during our in-depth consultation:

    • Formulating SMART goals designed to help you in setting intentions that are relevant and strategic: a goal without a plan is just a wish!
    • We will review of your health, your diet and nutrition, any herbal remedies and wrap up with a personal health & healing plan.
    • Lastly, a meal plan incorporating healthy whole-food recipes specifically tailored to your needs, including nutritional information, a grocery list and easy-to-follow recipes.

    During these 12 weeks
    I’ll take you on an inward journey based on my proven 5-step framework

    1. Getting clarity on your desires in order to cultivate a personalised goals guide to optimise your fulfilment in all areas of your life.

    2. Identifying core limiting beliefs that are keeping you small, as well as uncovering self-sabotaging behaviour and how to get rid of feeling “stuck” for ultimate healing of unhealthy patterns.

    3. Bringing awareness to your blind spots, healing past hurt and wounds by feeling safe again in the body and in the present moment through inner child work.

    4. Learning how to regulate your nervous system and feeling deeply connected again to yourself, your emotions and intuition.

    5. Understanding how to fully open up your heart and how to live a fulfilling life by exploring multiple layers of true happiness and deeper meaning.

    Hi, I’m Joe!

    I’m a certified life coach, but I’ve also done the work for over 10 years. And I’ve been where you are today… I’m passionate about supporting people from around the world on their journey towards their most fulfilling life through healing and expanding consciousness.

    As I’ve spent the last few years on an inner (shadow) journey to heal past my own trauma, fears and limiting beliefs. It hasn’t been the easiest, however I’ve found it has been rewarding in my own journey of healing and transformation.

    Fast forward to the present moment, I’ve been able to manifest an abundance of joy and happiness back into my life. I truly believe that doing the deep inner healing work is THE secret to living a happy and fulfilled life, free of negative self-talk, anxiety or resistance, which allows you to clear the way to abundance and manifest your dream life.


    How long does the program go for and what does it entail?

    We’ll be working closely together for 12 weeks of weekly 1:1 coaching of 60-90 minutes where we focus on deeper healing by bringing awareness to certain patterns and how to change them and set you free from suffering.

    Alongside the coaching sessions, you will have access to me via Whatsapp from Monday to Friday for additional support to ask questions and receive feedback. There will be (optional) assignments for you to complete that will support your journey with me.

    Does this program allow a refund?

    This program is meant for the woman or man who is ready to take their transformation seriously, who is ready to energetically and financially invest into themselves and show up in full integrity and enthusiasm. This is a beautiful co-creation where it’s important that you are fully in. However, if you’ve haven’t received any value from this 12-week program after implementing all the assignments and showing up on time every single week for the coaching calls, then you are eligible to get a 50% refund of your total investment.

    What results can you guarantee?

    In our first session we will get clear on your goals and intentions so we can work out a specific plan together. However, this is only going to work if you show up fully for this container and for yourself. No results can be guaranteed, but we will co-create the space together and it’s my intention to support you with healing, transformation, accountability and helping you move from point A to point B with clarity and confidence.

    When do we start?

    Depending on my availability and when you have made your full payment or first instalment, we will embark on a journey of transformation together through weekly coaching calls! I will open up a portal of communication through Whatsapp so we check in regularly and keep the communication lines open.


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